This week, we are doing another intern spotlight on one of our newest interns! Öykü Girmen started working with us not long ago, offering to help out with design work. She has been a great addition to our team, and she is currently helping design new products. Find out more about her below!

Tell me about yourself (interests, hobbies, lifestyle, major, etc.).
My name is Oyku Girmen, and I use She/ Her/ Hers pronouns. I am an international student from Adana, Turkey. I am a senior majoring in Human Relations Administration with double minors in entrepreneurship and organizational community leadership. Some things I enjoy are hiking, meeting new people, watching/playing sports, traveling and trying new food! My passions are environmental and mental health advocacy. I really like being involved on campus. I am a resident assistant, Horn Ambassador, Recruitment chair of the business fraternity Phi Chi Theta and co-pr chair of SHRM club.
How did you find out about UP Cycle and why did you want to intern here?
I found out about UP Cycle through Sierra during one of our Horn Ambassador meetings. We were talking about our love for the environment and sustainability and I was telling them about a paper I was working on about harms of fast fashion and Sierra mentioned UP Cycle. UP Cycle's mission and goals are so aligned with mine and I was so excited to be a part of it when I heard they were looking for more interns. I have always wanted to be a part of a sustainable organization who cared about not only sustainability but also other non-profits and I thought this was a great opportunity.
What’s been your favorite part of working with UP Cycle Design so far? My favorite part of working with UP Cycle so far is researching about the organizations we are partnering with and designing a sticker that represents them. It was so exciting to see our design for the Save the Manatees club sticker come to life as it was my first design. I am proud of the impact we make.
What are your personal goals for the company (more broad answers…not giving away future goals)?
A personal goal I have for the company is working as the community outreach intern and reaching out to more organizations to collaborate with and getting our name out there.
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