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Sustainability Sunday: Sustainable Fashion Tips

On Friday, we talked about the issue of textile waste and the threat it poses to the environment. For Sustainability Sunday, I want to continue that discussion and talk about how to shop and dress sustainably, hopefully helping to slow the flow of textiles into landfills.

What follows is a short list of sustainable fashion tips that you can use to be more eco-friendly with your wardrobe choices. I did get these tips from various other sites while doing my own research, so some might be familiar to you, and others might be brand new! Let’s start:

1. Quality over quantity

When searching for a new fit, it’s better to go with higher quality products than those with lesser quality. Yeah, this might be more expensive, but in the long run it will actually save you money. Most fashion brands opt to produce cheaper clothing that won’t last too long, but higher quality brands will last longer, meaning you won’t have to buy as much clothing. Some ethical, sustainable, higher quality brands to look into are Patagonia, Kotn, and Everlane.

2. Shop with longevity in mind

Going off of shopping for higher quality goods, it’s also suggested to shop with the idea that you’ll be wearing these clothes for a while. Not only is this also cheaper in the long run, but it’s also the kind of behavior that fast fashion discourages. Remember, fast fashion is the model that relies on cheap quality clothing that won’t last long, and wants you coming back to buy more. By shopping with longevity in mind, you’ll be buying clothes that will last much longer beyond a month or two.

3. Buy secondhand

I’m sure everyone who is or has a younger sibling has been involved in the hand-me-down process: the older sibling’s old clothing gets passed down to the younger sibling. That’s essentially what buying secondhand is, a business model that promotes the selling of used clothing. Stores like Plato’s Closet, Goodwill, and the Salvation Army sell clothing that others have donated. Buying from secondhand stores such as these not only helps recycle old clothes, but will also lower the demand for fast fashion brands. Lower demand means less production means less waste.

So there’s 3 simple tips to keep in mind when shopping for clothing. By shopping sustainably, we can stop the flow of textile waste into landfills, and we’ll then be one step closer to creating a healthier, greener world. If we all do our part...we can achieve this!

Happy Sustainable Sunday, and enjoy the rest of your weekend!

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